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Graduate Assistantship (GA)

A student currently enrolled in a UNC graduate program performing administrative duties and/or assigned program related duties including instructional support but who is not the Instructor of Record. 学生可以在兼职或全日制的基础上注册 并根据他们的协议得到补偿.


皇冠app官方版下载校园的一些行政办公室雇佣研究生助理. Click the 按钮,以查看当前管理GA空缺的列表. If you apply for an administrative assistantship, the application and any supporting materials 应该直接联系你感兴趣职位的联系人吗. Application 材料将由招聘单位审核. 职位的空缺情况视情况而定 upon funding.


Graduate Assistant Conference 

The Graduate School, Division of Student Affairs, and Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion have partnered to offer a day of workshops and training relevant to the role of graduate assistants. The conference will be held on Monday, August 19. More details, including a registration link, will be available later in the spring/summer of 2024.

Teaching Assistant (TA)

A salaried employment opportunity for a student currently enrolled in a UNC degree program at the graduate level. 被归类为GTA的学生只教本科生 在监督下的课程,可能是记录讲师. Students classified as GTA may support graduate faculty in graduate classes but are not to provide instruction or grading and may expect to receive feedback from faculty on co-teaching and grading. 

Graduate Part-time Instructor (GPI)

A salaried employment opportunity for a student currently enrolled in a graduate degree program at UNC who qualifies as instructor of record for one or more undergraduate courses under HLC guidelines. GPI不需要监督,也没有服务 作为课程协调员或教学助理的主管.

Annual Graduate Teaching Conference for Teaching Assistants and Graduate Part-time Instructors

The Graduate Part-time Instructor and Graduate Teaching Assistant Conference is designed 为将来在皇冠app官方版下载任教的学生做准备. 如果您已签署或计划签署GPI 或2024年秋季和/或2025年春季的TA合同, 你必须参加会议. Each GPI and TA is responsible for ensuring registering and attending the GPI/TA conference every year. 年度培训大会将于 Monday, Aug. 19. More details, including a registration link, will be available later in the spring/summer of 2024.

The conference is mandatory for all GTAs and GPIs. 如果您有任何问题,请联系Cindy Wesley博士.D., 研究生院副院长 cindy.wesley@hxset.com.


Information about assistantship contracts, university policies, learning and teaching processes, students’ rights and responsibilities, and university services is provided in a Handbook for Graduate Assistants, Graduate Part-time Instructors and Graduate Teaching Assistants.

Handbook for Graduate Assistants, Graduate Part-time Instructors and Graduate Teaching Assistants

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a teaching or graduate assistantship students must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be admitted to a graduate degree program at UNC while maintaining good academic standing (at least a 3.累计平均绩点0),而且没有留校察看. 平均成绩低于3分的学生.0和学术规定不得聘用 申请助教职位,直到他们拿到至少3分.0 GPA at UNC or the academic provisions are met.
  • To qualify for a tuition waiver, you must maintain enrollment in at least 3-10 graduate 协议期限内每学期的学时. 
  • If enrolled in dissertation hours only, you will be allowed to hold an assistantship for a maximum of two (2) semesters, provided that you are enrolled for a minimum of 每学期六(6)小时的论文.
  • For international students, demonstrating English language proficiency with a score 表明用英语交流总体上是有效的. The communication task is performed completely and successfully uses the following compensatory strategies:
    • 职能一般执行清晰有效
    • 对听众/情境的适当回应
    • 连贯的沟通,使用一些有效的衔接手段
    • 发音、语法、流利、词汇量大体准确
  • Graduate assistant and teaching assistant appointments are based upon full-time employment using a 20-hour work week over 17 weeks (15-week semester plus one week each before and after class) as the standard. 夏季以13周为基础,包括1周 prior and one week after. 津贴是根据最低津贴和学位计算的 level.
  • You may not hold a single appointment or a combination of appointments exceeding 20 hours a week for any semester.


  • The University has established a standard base salary schedule setting a minimum level of pay for all graduate assistantship positions, one at the master’s level (a student who does not have a master’s degree or does not have at least 30 hours of graduate work) and one at the doctoral level.
  • Most graduate assistantship positions provide stipend, along with tuition assistance 以及部分费用减免,包括部分学生服务和LEAF费用.
  • Generally, graduate assistants with appointments of 16-20 hours a week during a semester receive full tuition assistance during that semester, and students appointed for 8-15 每周几小时获得部分学费补助. Students appointed for 3-7 hours 一个星期通常没有资格获得学费援助. Academic units have flexibility in determining tuition waiver. 研究生院将提供学费减免 3-10 credit hours per semester. 学费根据注册的学时数计算.
  • Eligible students may receive nonresident tuition assistance for their first year of enrollment only. 在接下来的几年里,只有州内的学费补助可以 provided. 本政策的任何例外情况必须以书面形式提出并获得批准 by the dean of the Graduate School. 学生必须申请更改学费分类 从非居民到科罗拉多州居民. 有关学费分类的资料,请 请访问住院医师网页. 有关申请的截止日期和表格 a change in tuition classification 从非居民到科罗拉多州居民, please visit the Residency Deadlines web page.
  • You are financially responsible for student health insurance, as well as tuition and 未包括在学费和部分学费减免中的剩余费用. 

Managing your Assistantship

Your graduate assistantship agreement states that tuition and partial fee waivers post to student billing accounts after 添加/删除截止日期以适应注册更改. To stay informed about 你的助教奖学金,我们鼓励你遵循以下步骤:

  • Check your Ursa account. 你可以从8月开始查看你的秋季账单. 1. You will find details on viewing your bill at http://8vcn.hxset.com/bursar/your-bill/. 同时,为了获得估计费用的资料(如.g., tuition cost), please 点击网上的学费计算器 http://apps.hxset.com/tuitioncalc/.
  • If you have student loans, realize the amount of any loan may be adjusted throughout this process.
  • 检查你的学生账单,了解所注册的学分总数.
  • Tuition and partial fee waivers are applied next, after the add/drop period, to reflect 任何更改(增加或减少学分),使您的注册.
  • Once your waivers have posted, check your bill and pay the balance due by the Sept. 9 billing deadline to avoid service charges for any outstanding balance remaining.

If this change in GA/TA waiver disbursement causes financial hardship, please go to the Cashier’s window at the Bursar’s Office, located in Bear Central of Campus Commons, for assistance. 或者,您可以拨打970-351-1198或发送电子邮件 Kathi.Bland@hxset.com.

在每个月的最后一个工作日通过直接存款支付津贴. Academic year appointments have 10 stipend payments, August through May, and semester appointments 在8月至12月和1月至5月提供5次等额付款. You 每个月的工资都是一样的吗.

If you have any questions about the GA/TA waiver disbursement schedule, please direct them to bursar@hxset.com.

Frequently Asked Questions